Facilities and accessibility AT st andrew’s

Parking at St Andrew’s

At Church Aston St Andrew's, we provide parking facilities for our parishioners and visitors.

Compacted Gravel carpark with ample space for at least 25 Cars.

Church Car Park

There is level access to the church from the car park via the roadside entrance.

Compacted Gravel car park with a slight upward gradient to the tarmac footpath that runs along side the front of the church, along the church wall.

Car park leading to the footpath

There are two disabled parking bays outside the front of the church.

Two designated disabled bays right along the front of the church, with the footpath along side the road running along the Church wall, with a 6 to 7 centimetre curb height from the road to the footpath.

Disabled bays outside the front of the Church

There is a studded drop curb at the church gate.

A studded crossing with dropped curb at the end of the Church wall. This is to the left of the carpark and disabled bays. There is a gate on to the Church path which is open.

Studded drop curb at the church gate

The level access continues towards the front doors of the church.

This shows the path way leading from the gates of the Church entrance to the front doors of the church, the path is a very slight incline, tarmac path with a metal arch way for plants about half way along.

Pathway leading from the roadside gate to the entrance of the church

Inside st andrew’s

St Andrew’s has a modern integrated sound system, linked with live Zoom access. Turn hearing aid to the ‘T’ position to connect with the hearing loop.

The entrance to church showing a wide doorway with a level access

Church Doorway

There is level access to the church doorway, with plenty of width for wheelchair users.
The doors are often left in a closed position if attending for private prayer or reflection.

Church Entrance

We have an area within the body of the congregation for wheelchair users to sit. We have a number of wheelchair users in our community, including the vicar, who offers Holy Communion on a level access or offers it out into the congregation for those who find it easier to stay seated.

This photo shows an area with cushioned pews and a space for wheelchairs to park to be within the body of the congregation. there are also some comfy chairs available here.

Cushioned pews and area for wheelchair users

Reverend Zoe giving Holy Communion from her wheelchair on the same level as the congregation. Also in the photo is Woody, a recently retired guide dog of a member of our Church.

Level Access Holy Communion

Opposite the entrance to St Andrew’s we have a disabled toilet that is open for use during services.

This photo shows the font on the left with a wide space around it to gain access to the disabled toilet which is just behind.

Access to disabled toilet

The toilet offers plenty of turning space for wheelchair users, and baby changing facilities.

This photo shows the ample space inside the disabled toilet for wheelchair users to manoeuvre Also the fold down baby changing station on the left wall.

Disabled toilet with baby changing facilities

St andrew’s churchyard

St Andrew’s offers a beautiful reflection area within the churchyard.

The reflection garden is a grassed area with longer planters leading up to a willow archway with a bench underneath.

Reflection Garden

From the church entrance there are two steps and a hand rail which lead down to the car park and churchyard.

To the right as you leave the Church are two steps down onto the pathway that leads to the car park, there is a hand rail to the far right of the steps.

Steps with handrail for car park and churchyard

Level access to the churchyard is out of the front gate and around to the car park gate.

Car park with a downward gradient to the gate that leads the the stepped access to the Church and also the Church yard. The gate opens outwards towards the car park.

Level access entrance to churchyard

The path to the churchyard is a slightly uneven tarmac pathway leading to an uneven grassed area with seating.

a loose tarmac path leading along the wall at the side of the Church to the back of the Church and the Church yard. There is a notice board at which point the path turns to the left and leads to the Vicars door to the Church.

Pathway alongside church

Just off the path way is a grassed are where there are benches. The ground is uneven due to the presence of a tree.

Seating area within churchyard

There is a ramp down from the car park leading to a grassed pathway which travels down the centre of the churchyard toward the reflection garden.

This Shows the carpark and the entrance to the ramp with rails either side, the ramp leads down to the Church yard straight down and the Church hall with a turn to the right.

Ramp leading from the car park towards churchyard and Church Hall

This shows the gated entrance to the Church yard that is at the other end of the ramp from the carpark.

Gateway to churchyard from car park ramp

This shows the wide grassed pathway that leads across the middle of the Church yard, the Benches are on the left and the Reflection garden is at the end of the path and to the right

Central pathway through churchyard